Thursday, June 29, 2006

I <3 Link Sharing

Since beginning a link sharing program earlier this week I've seen a decent increase in daily hits which is great. Hence I would encourage anyone who visits this site to check back into the June archives. There's some very funny stuff in there as well as an update almost every single day.

btw, visit The Bestest Blog of All Time and Billboard Lyrics to see some other great blogs.


Blogger Bill said...

Haven't had a chance to go through all of your archives, but what i've seen so far is amusing.

Btw- I threw a link up to your blog from mine. Considering my blog is only a week old and rarely breaks 100 visitors a day I doubt it'll push much traffic your way, but every little bit helps, right?:P

5:45 AM  
Blogger Johns said...

My blog is the same way, I tossed the link to your blog just because I was so impressed by it. But thank you for throwing mine up as well. I've been having the same problem with hits as well, but I guess this is what it's like when you're getting started.

Keep up the good work.

7:40 AM  

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