Saturday, June 17, 2006

Something That Just Crossed My Mind

Now I really really like Google Video. Despite its somewhat poor picture quality it beats File Front or any other file distribution site as long as you're only there for movies. Additionally Google Video is much more accessible than any similar site before it, which is both good and bad. Here's an equation to demonstrate what I'm getting to:

accessibility=popularity=people who haven't seen something before=old fads being brought back when they should have died months ago.

The stuff you've seen on there has probably been passed through YTMND or ABS months and in this specific case, years ago. What I'm talking about is
Mentos+Diet Coke. Out of the Google Video top 100 videos, ten are Mentos+Diet Coke in some way, whether it's the girl exploding from drinking the two together, or a choreographed fountain, it's there, it's always the same and it was also wtfkewl in 2001. So please Google Video moderators, edit together a compilation or limit it in some way so we can get see something new.

And if you're the person creating the videos, the car fire is that way --->


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