Thursday, June 22, 2006


-EntertainmentWise is reporting that Britney Spears is planning on designing her own baby clothing-line. Will she be designing a helmet to Britney-proof her baby as well?

-Local Australian governments are close to instituting zoning restrictions that will prevent brothels from operating within 200 meters of a cemetery, Yahoo! reports. Meanwhile I’ll be scrapping my plans for the best Australian vacation ever.

-David Copperfield has told that he plans to impregnate a woman on stage. "There is a great deal of new territory to conquer. I'm going to make a girl pregnant. Naturally there will be no sex.” Key word in that statement is naturally.

Some Links:

Tetris Finals

Spider-Man and You

Anyone Going to Care About This?

Very Cool Video of an iTunes Plug-in

Happy Birthday Mom!


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