Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Real Snakes on Real Planes are Real Awesome

This article isn’t about the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson movie Snakes on a Plane. Which is destined to be the blockbuster of the summer as well as the greatest piece of cinematic art ever made. No, this is about life imitating art, life imitating the most awesome art ever.

A Yahoo! article tells the tale of Monty Coles, a 62 year old pilot from West Virginia who was casually flying his small plane when he was greeted with a four and a half foot snake. (I don’t know what’s scarier, a 62 year old West Virginia man going for a spin in his airplane, or the fact that he’s flying with snakes) Monty responded to his snake on his plane much like anyone else would, he punched it in the face and grabbed it around its throat. Samuel L. Jackson would probably have used a combination lightsabers and cocaine, but whatever works for you.


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